Sorry for the poor quality photos :(
I am finding that Thursdays could have a lot of potential for me to get things done
and to do productive things. However, with my few hour break I find my self shopping and shopping
in bulk.
So I thought it would be an awesome post to talk about something useful.
I haven't been blogging as much and I am hoping this post will be a good idea.
Through out this season I will keep posting blog posts of awesome gifts to give to anyone.
Whether it's a sister, cousin, teacher, random person, or a friend. And little things you can give
to the guys in your life.
So I went to Ulta to buy my mom and I some makeup sponges and I found this cute little bubble
I bought several aromatherapy line products before and I find I am truly unhappy with them.
But, I do like that this product foams very nicely and has a gentle (not fruity) mature and calm smell.
While shopping I thought it would be an awesome gift to give to my friends.
Aromathfloria Foaming Bubble Bath Priced $12
The little balls wrapped are bath crumbles. The title says "fizzes" but they don't really fizz.
They are super short and I don't like the smell of the purple but they are cutely wrapped and they
are fun for all to try. Much like lush products they give your bath a little boost.
So that is my "Christmas Gift of the Week". Ulta has many great deals durning this time of year.
I suggest everyone head to their local Ulta and check them out. * hint hint*
Next thing I would like to post about.
I needed an update in my fall/winter makeup look.
So I went for the bold Reds. I didnt want a vibrant red but a nice burgundy.
This is the outcome....
Im not sure I really rock the look.
In the photo I look like I am wearing a bright vibrant red. The lipstick is called Rimmel
London Kate Moss #11. It is seriously much darker then shown.
It's taken much time to get use to but hopefully I will fall in love soon.
If you have any awesome darker shade red lipsticks please comment with them!!!!!!
So even though this post is all over the place.
I will keep saying this...I HOPE TO POST MORE SOON :)
I like the red it compliments your skin well!!!
You're so pretty! xx
Thanks gals :)